
International Women’s Day

Mar. 10 2020

To celebrate the International Women’s Day, we organized a special meeting to place gender equality at the heart of concerns.

We started by showing two videos and then sat down to discuss about women in the work place and gender equality.

Some flash cards regarding equity where displayed in a small box. Each woman had the opportunity to pick one card and read it to the assembly. For each card, opinions, difficulties and solutions were highlighted by the team. The main themes were:

  • An equal world is an enabled world
  • The rise of women is not about the fall of men
  • Everyone can play a role in forging gender parity
  • Gender balance is not a women’s issue, it’s an economic issue
  • Advocacy, inclusive mindsets and tangible action are needed from all.

At the end of the session, we took some photos to immortalize the event and celebrate the beautiful moments we spent together.

Photo gallery

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